What is the process for applying to higher studies in Canada after completing 12th from Pakistan?
Step-by-Step Instructions for a Pakistani student who wants to study in Canada after 12th grade:
I hope you have obtained an intermediate degree from Pakistan and you are figuring out what to do next? Some of the students will intend to study further in Pakistan. And some students may want to study abroad in a country like New ziland, Australia, USA and Uk. And Among them will be a very small number of students who wish to complete their studies in Canada. The purpose of this post is to assist students who are planning to continue their education in Canada from Pakistan after 12th.

First of all, let’s talk about what options are available to get an education in Canada from Pakistan after Intermediate. Because of this, you can choose one of them based on your profile and come here as an international student.
What Can I do In Canada After 12th From Pakistan?
The students who have completed their FSC/ICOM/FA from Pakistan basically have two options, either they can do a diploma here or enroll in a degree program.
UG Diploma in Canada after 12th for International Students?
In order to pursue an undergraduate diploma in any college or university in Canada, you must have at least a 12th degree from Pakistan. College or university entrance requirements in Canada require a 12th grade education from Pakistan. If we talk about a diploma, it is of two years or three years. As compared to degrees, these diplomas are more affordable and take less time to complete. And after completing these diplomas you get three years of PGWP so you can completely settle yourself.
Undergraduation Degree in Canada after FSC from Pakistan?
Apart from diploma, you have another option of degree which you can complete in four years, and also to get admission in it on the basis of 12th degree. But it has two major disadvantages it takes more years to complete, and the fees are also slightly higher as opposed to a diploma.
Can I Do Master’s After Completion of Diploma or Degree in Canada?
Yes You Can Do Master if you do undergraduate degree from Canada, but upon completion of diploma you can not do Master in Canada, this is a major drawback of diploma in Canada.
Which is Best UG Diploma or Degree after 12th in Canada?
According to me, if you do not have time and fee problems, you should choose degree instead of diploma. Selection of degrees not only increases your chances of getting a visa, but you will also get to do a masters in Canada.
How many bands are required for Canada after 12th from Pakistan?
Basically, it doesn’t matter whether you are coming here to do a diploma or a degree in Canada after Fsc from Pakistan, you need a minimum score of 6-band in IELTS .
Can I go to Canada with 5.5 bands from Pakistan after 12th?
Actually, there are many colleges in Canada who will give you admission at 5.5 bands but for applying visa under SDS from Pakistan you need at least 6band so I highly recomned you to get 6 bands in IELTS to study in Canada from Pakistan after Fa/FSC/ICOM/ALevel.
Can I go to Canada without IELTS After Intermediate?
The answer to this question ” Can i go to Canada from Pakistan without IELTS ” is that No . If you are thinking that you have intermediate from Pakistan and you can get Canada Study Visa without IELTS , So you are thinking completely wrong. After 12th from Pakistan you can not go to Canada on Student Visa even though there are certain Universitis which accept students from Pakistan and from the entire world without IELTS but for Master not for Undergraduation and diplomas. So to be eligible to study in Canada from Pakistan after Fsc from Pakistan, you must have a band score of 6. Therefor 6 band is a minimum IELTS score for canada student visa after 12th from pakistan.
Minimum percentage required for Canada after 12th for diploma from Pakistan?
The answer to this question is very simple and straight forward “How much percentage is required for a diploma in Canada or What percentage is required to study in Canada after 12th?” The answer is that you must have 60 to 70 percentage Marks in 12th for admission in Diploma. Some colleges will accept you at a minimum percentage of 55%, but these colleges and universities, will not be well reputated.
Visa Ratio of canada for Pakistani Student?
There is no such information from Canada that will tell you what percentage of visa will be if you are coming or studying in Diploma or degree from Pakistan. But I have consulted with students who come here to study and I have also seen that those who come from Pakistan to do their degree; It is easy for them to get Canadian visa as compared to those students who apply their student visa for diplomas.
I hope you like this post and if you like it then definitely share it with your friends so that their queries can be answered easily. If you have any other questions, Pease ask me in the comment box, and I will surely answer, God willing!