Total Pakistani Population in Canada || top-7-cities-where-pakistani-population-is-high-in-canada
If you have ever dreamt of knowing which cities in Canada Pakistani Canadians prefer to live in, and you also want to know how many Pakistanis there are in Canada, where do most pakistani live in canada; how many pakistani living in canada? And such and many more questions arise in your mind. So you have come to right place, you will be able to get complete details about these questions at one place.

Before we go into the deep details about Pakistani Canadians, let’s discuss a little about the background. All the details given below are not 100% accurate; these are collected from many different platforms and are being compared and presented to you.
According to a recent survey, there are almost 9 to 10 million people who are living or settled abroad as a overseas Pakistani and there are few of these people who are living in canada. Pakistanis began immigrating to Canada in portable numbers in the early 1960s, but at that time the amount of people was negligible.
Nowadays there are more than 2 lakh Pakistani who are residing in Canada in different cities . According to Canadian government, there is a big role of Pakistani people in Canadaian economy, — many of them are serving canadas, as a doctor, Engineer, Driver, and lot of them possess their own business in the form of restaurant, petrol pump and import export business. Recently, the population of Pakistani students has increased in canada after including student direct stream-listed countries. If I talk about my experience, most of the Pakistani student are coming to top cities for their higher education in canada, like in Toronto, Calgary, Montreal and Atlantic provinces.
Top 7 cities in canada were Pakistani people live
Toronto in ontario is preferable city for Pakistani people were they live. After that, most of the Pakistani canadian are living in Calagary and Edmonton, cities of alberta province. In Quebec Montreal is also another place, were a large amount of Pakistani people we can find. In fourth position, we can consider British columbia the best place for Pakistani people to live because of the perfect weather. The last three cities are Sasktachun, Manitoba and Nova Scotio, respectively, where Pakistani Canadaian are living with their families. Further, we discuss in details below why Pakistani prefer these cities to live in Canada according to specialty of city.
These are the top 7 Provinces of Canada where Pakistani People are Living
Provinces | Population in 2001 | Population in 2006 | Population in 2011 | Population in 2022 |
Ontario | 52,836 | 91,170 | 109,300 | 149,070 |
Alberta | 5,500 | 11,230 | 17,830 | 29,2666 |
Quebec | 8,000 | 11,700 | 12,471 | 13,536 |
British Columbia | 6,300 | 7,800 | 9,777 | 12,586 |
Saskatchewan | 500 | 470 | 3,196 | 1,256 |
Manitoba | 570 | 1,065 | 1,811 | 3,369 |
Nova Scotia | 300 | 501 | 492 | 666 |
These are the seven biggest cities in Canada, where most Pakistanis live.
Below are the names of the cities along with the number of Pakistani people.
Pakistani Population in Toronto | 122,950 |
Pakistani Population in Calgary | 18,495 |
Pakistani Population in Vancover | 10,825 |
Pakistani Population in Montreal | 13,125 |
Pakistani Population in Edmonton | 8,380 |
Pakistani Population in Ottawa | 4,660 |
Pakistani Population in Sasktoon | 3,250 |
Pakistani Population in Winnipeg | 3,010 |
Pakistani Population in Regina | 2,535 |