which intake is perfect to study in Canada for International Students

Best Intake in Canada to Study and Upcoming intakes in Canada 2022-2023?
In today’s article, we will be talking about which is the best intake fall-winter or summer so without any further ado let’s get right into the post so first, we will talk about September intake that is fall.
1: Fall Intake / September Intake in Canada:

Basically, fall intake is September intake it is one of the most famous intakes in Canada actually not one of the most famous it is the most famous intake so let’s talk about some advantages and disadvantages of fall intake.
First Advantage of Studying in Fall Intake in Canada
So first things first basically in fall intake the weather is really really good it’s fall it’s beautiful and it’s cool you can also go outside you know have some fun doing some backyard parties not during covered it’s basically Canada at its best in terms of weather.
Second Advantage of Studying in Fall Intake in Canada
Next, let’s talk about job opportunities in fall intake in fall intake the job opportunities are good because of two main arguments the earliest one is that all the restaurants and fast food places and Walmart best buy and all the departmental store’s grocery stores all them are hiring at that particular moment why because of high demand seen during winters people don’t usually go out in retail places to buy clothes the demand is less in winters but during fall the way the demand for goods and services is high right so that’s obvious if the demand is high they need more employees now if they need more employees you will have more job opportunities so yeah the job is good weather is good in Fall Intake in Canada.
Third Advantage of Studying in Fall Intake in Canada
Now let’s talk about the drop now drop basically is the summer drop if you’re coming in fall intake there is a high chance that you will have the opportunity to take a summer drop or summer break if you are taking that summer drop or summer break you will get to work full time and you can also pay your tuition fees by working full time so again it is very good if you are someone who has paid already one year of fees from your country and then you are coming here most probably you might get a job literally after two months uh if you come in September and it is achievable and I have seen numerous students who have got jobs legit after two months or one of my friends he got the job after like one week or something so that’s absolutely crazy okay but it’s fantastic so and especially if you’re going for a drop you will have more chances to pay your fees if you’re good at managing your finances.
Forth Advantage of Studying in Fall Intake in Canada
Last but not least for September intake is that there are more programs so you have more opportunities more colleges are giving more offer letters and it’s like basically boom period for the economy so in the economy, you know how the boom period works right it’s like everything’s good you know the market is doing well similarly in September everything is the good market is doing good colleges are doing fantastic more students are coming here so overall in general fall intake according to me is the best.
2: Winter Intake / January Intake in Canada:

Now let’s talk about winter intake because this is the second most famous intake in Canada in winter it makes basically again as you can see weather is really cold and this intake usually is from January to April so if you are coming here in winter intake you will be coming here in January and the semester will go from January to April.
First Disadvantage of Studying in Winter Intake in Canada
Personally, I would not suggest this intake because of expenses now if you’re coming here in winter your expenses will be very high because you would have to buy jackets snowshoes and winter clothes in general so as soon as you land you need all these things you have to spend around 400,500 Dollars depending on what you buy and if there’s a sale or something you would be good if not then again you know you have to spend like around 500 to a thousand dollars which is extremely not a good financial decision according to me but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do now the process to come here in Canada as an international student is very long but at the same time once it starts it’s very short so once you get your offer letter and once you get your visa time flies and you wouldn’t even realize that the day has arrived when you have to sit on a plane and go to a completely different country far away from your friends family and relatives which is sad and depressing.
Second Disadvantage of Studying in Winter Intake in Canada
If you come here in winter it will be snow everywhere I know it sounds good I know you know it’s all fun and games wow people get to see snow only one-two times it’s fun otherwise not fun at all because it is super depressing and for and I know depression is a very big term but actually, it is because you cannot go outside especially during this pandemic you have very few jobs you have to pay your fees you have mental stress you are homesick and you cannot even go outside and meet new people because it’s winter no one is really outside all you can do is apply for jobs and try to find a job but most of the time you will be either at college or at your home and it’s just typical Canada so you know in Asia we talk about Canada’s winter and how Canada is always cold you will see that Canada if you come here in winter.
Advantage of Studying in Winter Intake in Canada
I don’t personally like this intake a lot but this is second on my list the reason being that there are more
programs available in winter intake.
3: Summer Intake / May Intake in Canada:

Talking about May let’s get on to the main take so May intake is really good but the only reason why I like May Intake is that it’s warm so if you have ever been to Sialkot, Lahore or Karachi because those are like the most famous cities it’s like basically warm okay it’s not super cold uh, in fact, it’s hot but it’s good.
Advantage of Studying in May Intake in Canada
Advantage of Studying in May Intake in Canada
The main advantage of May intake in Canada is that you can attend networking events not during covered but in general once covered ends let’s hope it ends soon networking events start you can network really well you can go outside to for vacations to Niagara falls to nearby parks to meet new people you can go to your college and attend all the networking events meet people in person.
So that’s really good and uh yep the last thing on my list is drop chances so drop some main tech students do get a drop in winter intake you do not get that many drops but in may you do have a chance to get a drop so just contact your college and ask them if they have uh a drop an official drop uh for me and experience and if they do have then that’s really good because imagine you come here in may you will have a job and after may come September in September you will have a job in winter as you already have eight months of experience you will still also have a job and soon in next summer you will maybe get a drop who knows just ask your college and if they are allowing you to have a drop bro you can easily pay off your tuition fees.
The disadvantage of Studying in May Intake in Canada
The only limitation here is there are fewer programs that are run in may intake because of this reason I have put May intake in the last position of this list and of course limited programs you don’t like that right so for example if you want to come here in the business-related field you would hardly have any programs that are available in may intake in top colleges or universities yes there are programs I’m not saying that there are no programs because if there were no programs then this would not be an intake however if this is possible then I would recommend you guys to come, in May, the only the reason is you can get a job really easy and you can save up money.